



1. 方便快捷:上门按摩服务打破了传统按摩店的时间和空间限制,客户可以在家中、办公室或任何舒适的地方享受专业的按摩服务。

2. 个性化定制:根据客户的需求,上门按摩服务可以提供多种按摩手法,如中医按摩、泰式按摩、足疗等,满足不同人群的健康需求。

3. 专业技师:上门按摩服务的技师都经过专业培训,具有丰富的按摩经验,能够为客户提供高质量的按摩服务。

4. 隐私保护:在家享受上门按摩服务,既保护了客户的隐私,又避免了在公共场合按摩可能带来的尴尬。


1. 中医按摩:结合中医理论,运用手法调整人体的经络、穴位,达到缓解疲劳、调理身体的目的。

2. 泰式按摩:起源于泰国,以拉伸、挤压、敲打等手法,帮助放松肌肉,改善血液循环。

3. 足疗:通过对足部穴位的按摩,调节全身气血,缓解疲劳,改善睡眠。

4. 美容按摩:结合美容护肤,通过手法刺激皮肤,促进血液循环,使肌肤更加紧致有光泽。


1. 了解服务范围:选择上门按摩服务时,首先要了解服务范围,确保技师能够提供符合自己需求的按摩项目。

2. 查看技师资质:了解技师的专业背景和经验,确保服务质量和安全。

3. 评价口碑:通过网上评价、朋友推荐等方式,了解上门按摩服务的口碑。

4. 价格合理:比较不同上门按摩服务的价格,选择性价比高的服务。







1. 减压头疗肩颈/腰臀部SPA推拿:专业技师运用独特的按摩手法,为您舒缓肩颈、腰臀部肌肉疲劳,缓解压力,达到全身放松的效果。

2. 草本热敷药浴泡脚:选用天然草本植物,结合独特的热敷技术,为您泡去一天的疲惫,改善睡眠质量。

3. 独立包厢简食养生茶:包厢内设施齐全,提供免费淋浴、简食养生茶等,让您在享受按摩的同时,品味生活。

4. 火山石精油背开:技师将精油均匀涂抹于背部,通过按摩手法促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,让您在舒适的环境中享受背部放松。


1. 高端沐浴按摩:由全国100多名舞者精选的技师,为您提供50多个休闲保健项目,让您在舒适的环境中享受身心放松。

2. 地中海海藻泥膜包裹水疗:选用地中海深海藻类制成的泥膜,具有丰富的矿产资源和稀有元素,能刺激创新,消除水肿,改善肌肤。



1. 爪哇式按摩:通过独特的按摩手法,缓解肩颈、腰部肌肉紧张,改善睡眠质量。

2. 人间秘境:古朴的檀香木椅子,美丽的女士,根据不同客人的身体和心理状态,定制私人空间,享受梦幻般的SPA体验。



1. 养生按摩:利用指压、推拿等技术刺激人体穴位和经络,调整身体机能,缓解疲劳。

2. 足浴水疗:选用天然中草药,结合独特的足浴技术,改善血液循环,提高免疫力。






























1. 优惠套餐:本次优惠团推出多种套餐供您选择,包括减压头疗肩颈/腰臀部SPA推拿、草本热敷药浴、泡脚等,满足您的个性化需求。

2. 独立包厢:为了让您在享受水疗SPA的过程中更加私密,我们提供独立包厢,让您在安静舒适的环境中尽情放松。

3. 简食养生茶:水疗SPA后,一杯养生茶让您身心愉悦,促进新陈代谢。

4. 免费淋浴:享受水疗SPA的同时,我们还提供免费淋浴服务,让您焕然一新。

5. 香薰按摩:在专业技术人员娴熟专业的按摩下,结合深受客人喜爱的芳香精油,让您在舒适的环境中改善血液循环,放松肌肉,达到净化身心的目的。

6. 限量折扣:报名参加优惠团的朋友,还可享受限量折扣,让您省心省钱。





1. 电话报名:拨打400-xxx-xxxx报名,即可享受优惠。

2. 线上报名:关注南宁高端水疗SPA优惠团官方微信公众号,点击报名链接即可。


1. 报名时请提供真实姓名和联系方式,以便我们为您提供更好的服务。

2. 报名成功后,请按时参加活动,如有特殊情况,请提前告知我们。

3. 活动期间,请遵守水疗SPA会所的规章制度,共同维护良好环境。




























1. 热石按摩:通过加热的火山石,深入肌肤,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张。在热石的温暖包围下,我仿佛置身于一个温暖的世界,身心得到了彻底的放松。

2. 水疗浴:在充满气泡的水疗浴缸中,水流轻柔地拍打着身体,让我感受到了水的温柔。在水中,我仿佛回到了母体,找到了最初的宁静。

3. 香薰疗法:水疗中心提供的香薰疗法,让我在舒缓的音乐中,逐渐进入梦境。独特的香气,让我身心得到了更深层次的放松。

4. 纤体塑形:在专业技师的操作下,我体验了纤体塑形项目。通过按摩、拔罐等手法,有效促进脂肪分解,塑造完美身材。











1. 淋巴排毒:通过泡浴的方式,促进淋巴循环,排出体内毒素,改善肌肤状况,提升免疫力。

2. 草本药浴:精选多种中草药,通过泡浴的方式,调节身体机能,缓解疲劳,舒缓压力。

3. 热敷药浴:利用热敷的方式,使药效更好地渗透肌肤,缓解肌肉酸痛,改善睡眠质量。

4. 香薰按摩:在泡浴过程中,加入香薰精油,帮助放松身心,舒缓情绪。















1. 足浴:通过热水泡脚,促进血液循环,缓解疲劳。

2. 推拿:运用中医推拿手法,调整人体经络,达到舒缓肌肉、改善睡眠等效果。

3. 肩颈按摩:缓解肩颈疼痛,预防颈椎病。

4. 芳香疗法:利用植物精油,调节情绪,舒缓压力。

5. 热石疗法:运用天然火山岩石,加热后按摩,缓解肌肉紧张。

6. 中草药疗法:利用中草药泡脚、敷贴等,调理身体机能。




The beauty clerk came up with a cup of coffee just in time to see Li Xiangkun and a stunning beauty ready to leave and immediately called out, "Sir! Your coffee is ready! "

Li Xiangkui waved his hand to the beautiful woman who seduced him and said, "This cup of coffee is for that beautiful woman." He said that he would walk into the stairs and never look back.
The beauty clerk walked up to the dumbfounded beauty with coffee and politely asked, "hello, miss, this is the gentleman who gave you some coffee. Is it 234 yuan in cash or a payment treasure?"
"What? How much do you say! " The beauty couldn’t believe her ears and asked in surprise.
"Two hundred and thirty-four yuan in cash or payment treasure?" The clerk’s patience is killing her bit by bit. It seems that this person wants to default. Immediately, the communicator said, "There is a lady in the security rest area who wants to default."
The beauty was shocked by this battle. She took out her mobile phone from her bag and scanned the QR code. She turned pale and drank this expensive coffee, which tasted as bitter as her heart.
If she had known that she would be killed like this, she wouldn’t have seduced this man. Instead of being rich, she put in more than 200 yuan. It’s really bad luck to go out every time. I hope I won’t meet that man again in my life!
Chapter one hundred and fifty-six Stay
After taking the stairs, Li Xiangkui and Xia Dan looked at each other and laughed so hard that they couldn’t keep back.
Xia Qiang embarrassedly followed two people to laugh as ugly as possible.
"I didn’t expect you to dare to order coffee here. You didn’t discuss it!" Xia Dan couldn’t help laughing when he remembered that beautiful woman was beaten just now.
Li Xiangkui is also holding the ladder wall with her belly. "Isn’t this someone paying for me?" Don’t say that I really want to try this expensive coffee. Is it gold? "
"You’re amazing, but you’re quite attractive. Is it a pity that the woman just now made trouble for you, spring night?" Xia Dan’s charming smile and eyes never hook people’s souls.
Lee sang-soo remembered the romantic scene and the residual touch of his hand, and his body reacted again.
Xia Dan saw that Li Xiangkang put his hands in his crotch awkwardly and glanced at it strangely. Suddenly he remembered what blushed and whispered, "pervert!"
The ladder reached the floor of Lee Sang-soo, and Xia Dan took the lead to a relatively back room and opened the door.
The layout of the room is exquisite, just like a warm home. The hotel is also equipped with a high-grade computer network, a large living room, a wooden coffee table, tea trays and a hot kettle.
When Li Xiangkun turned around the living room, he saw a row of unknown red wine noodles in the cupboard, and all kinds of strange words made him dizzy
"These are the high-quality red wines in the famous wineries in country F. Every bottle is expensive. You have to weigh the points. Of course, you speak for two million! I don’t mind this tens of thousands of dollars for a bottle of red wine, right! " Xia Dan sat on the sofa and put the coffee table in his handbag and bag, rubbed his sore wrist and said.
Li Xiangkun just wanted to touch his hand and shrank back. Are these wines made of diamonds? There is no justice in being so expensive!
"Is there a game room here? What if I want to play games? " Li Xiangkun turned the whole room around but didn’t find the game room, but there was a special socket for the game room on the wall.
Chardin smiled mysteriously and gently snapped his fingers. Xia Qiang immediately took out a virtual game helmet from his handbag and put it in front of Li Xiangcong, pointing to the helmet, explaining that "Brother Xiangcong’s helmet is almost the same as the game cabin, but it doesn’t stimulate physical function, so it will force you to kick out of the game for half an hour every four hours before you can go online again."
Li Xiangkui held this strange helmet and turned it around curiously. It looks like a motorcycle helmet, but the material is naturally not of the same grade. This game helmet will not have any problems even if it is attacked by armor-piercing bullets. It is so strong.
Look at the eye wall table, I have already ordered Li Xiangkun, and I am a little tired. Xia Dan and Xia Qiang will leave.
"It’s too late for you to go back. Why don’t you rest here? Anyway, you have to take me to Yasheng Company one day. Isn’t it more convenient?" Li Xiangkui stopped two people who were about to go out to discuss the way
Xia Qiang nodded without thinking, turned around and ran back to the sofa directly. He was really sleepy now and couldn’t wait to fall asleep on the sofa directly.
Xia Dan bowed when he saw that his brother didn’t even resist. He quickly walked to the sofa and grabbed Xia Qiang’s ear and was about to go outside, but Li Xiangkun stopped him.
"You see Xiaoqiang is so tired. Do you have the heart to take him out to blow the wind? It’s not that there is no room to sleep here. "Li Xiangrong earnestly persuaded him to see Xia Qiang’s eyelids drooping constantly and invited them from the heart.
"But this is not in conformity with the regulations! We stipulate that we can’t sleep there, "Xia Danyi said solemnly, but she didn’t say anything deeper because she knew that Li Xiangkun was not like that."
Li Xiangkui came when he heard that it was a regulation. "Fuck the regulation! I’m invited by a friend. Did a friend invite you to stay overnight and violate any bullshit rules? "
"This ….." Xia Dan heard that there was some hesitation. Although the regulations were written in this way, Li Xiangkun’s speech was also very reasonable. The regulations did not write that friends should not sleep.
"What are you hesitating about? Go to the shower and sleep now. Xia Qiang sleeps in one room, and you can sleep on the other sofa." Lee Sang-soo commanded in a mighty and domineering tone.
Who would have thought that Xia Dan had listened to her and went to the bathroom to take a bath?
Xia Qiang is sleeping comfortably on the sofa at this time, and Li Xiang-rou walks him into a relatively small room, gently puts him on the bed, covers him with a back light and walks out of the room.
There’s rushing water in the bathroom, and Li Xiangluo is in some spirits. Mata controls the Uber that keeps popping up in his head, shakes his head and sits in front of his head and looks at the latest news.
As usual, he boarded Second Life. official website looked to see if there was any latest information, but there was nothing. The latest information was still routine maintenance a month ago.
He opened the forum again, where the players had a heated discussion, either about where there was a mysterious undeveloped area or about seeking marriage and friends.
The mouse wheel kept sliding. He glanced at the title and suddenly caught his eye by a topic.
[Dragon Palace Players’ Divine Exercises of the Northern First King Corps]
Li Xiangkun clicked in curiously. He has been busy exploring the point of freezing cold recently, and he has no time to take care of the legion. I don’t know what the Dragon King has done.
A video comes into view, which shows the scene when the Dragon Palace Legion encircles a seven-level mutant BOSS. Fifty elite players form a team to attack the BOSS in an orderly manner, and divide it into two teams to attract it in turn, and hate it, and the team keeps playing with it and consumes it to death.
Most of the comments praised the power of Dragon Palace, and some data parties analyzed their tactical loopholes and analyzed their advantages and disadvantages from different angles such as time or personnel distribution
After watching the video several times, Li Xiangkun noticed that the players in Dragon Palace were not perfect. Many people attacked the players who often beat fast or slow, but it did not affect the overall result, but it also exposed a problem.
It’s not how strong the Dragon Palace players are, but that they have a very experienced and decisive battlefield command, and this person has explored the BOSS’s move order and attack mode data plus improvisation ability before. This person is very strong
"It’s interesting, Dragon King. It seems that you’re not just arbitrary. I have to praise you, but I won’t stop there. Since you can find such talents, I will find them and be stronger than you."
Li Xiangkui’s mind is searching for people to know in the game. It seems that no one is good at tactical layout, so it’s a bit of a headache. It seems that it’s time to make full use of his contacts.
Bathroom door opened a small crack when Li Xiangrou was thinking, and a jade arm came out from the inside and waved at Li Xiangrou.
"Love each other! Come here, I need your help. "Xia Dan’s anxious voice entered Li Xiangkui’s ear and interrupted his thinking.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-seven Clothes storm
Li Xiangkang looked back and saw a white arm half waving. I think Chardin is not dressed now! She’s not trying to seduce herself, is she?
He approached warily step by step and asked, "Speak! What do you want me to do? "
Xia Dan shyly stretched out his head and said, "That … my clothes were accidentally washed just now, and now I have nothing to wear."
Li Xiangkang frowned. Did she hint at herself? So he continued to tentatively ask, "Isn’t there a bathrobe on the shelf?"
Xia Dan blushed when she saw a bathrobe alone and said, "This is just a bathrobe. What if I wear it?"
"I don’t dislike you!" Li Xiangkun said sincerely and added two more words to emphasize that he was serious.
Xia Dan face more ruddy, she said with some measures, "that’s not what I mean! Alas ….. Yes! I can’t make it clear. Can you help me buy an ordinary suit? "
Li Xiangkun seemed a little embarrassed when he was slightly stunned. Apart from the 24-hour shops such as Internet cafes and chain convenience stores, where else are the shops open?
Anyway, ask at the front desk first. Maybe there will be a miracle.
Li Xiangkun hurried out with his room card and took the ladder to the first floor.
At this time, the first floor has been swinging, and there is no one else except two little girls whispering at the front desk.
It’s the first time for him to help a woman buy things. He doesn’t blame himself for being too impulsive. He went downstairs without asking anything, and he didn’t even know her size.
When the receptionist saw someone appear, she politely asked, "Can I help this gentleman?"
Li Xiangyu blurted out, "Do you have ladies’ clothes?"
"Ah?" The first reaction of the two receptionists at the same time is to call security when they regard him as a rogue pervert.
Li Xiangkun immediately patted the front desk and explained, "No, no! I’m not a gangster! I mean, is there a place to sell ladies’ clothes? "
A little girl was frightened by his fierce appearance and trembled and said, "There is a place to sell clothes in the hotel. I wonder if you need anything?"
When he heard that there was Li Xiangkui, he almost jumped up with excitement. He said happily, "Where is it?"? Take me to see it quickly … I have a friend who didn’t bring clothes and asked me to buy one for her. "
I noticed their strange eyes, and Li Xianglian forced to explain a wave, which made the two people relax their vigilance a little.
"I wonder what size your friend is?" A receptionist took Li Xiangkun to a shop full of beautiful women’s clothes.
Li Xiangkun carefully recalled Xia Dan’s figure and compared it with the little girl’s figure.
The front desk can’t help but be afraid to look at Li Xiangkui. She turned her body carefully. Who would have thought that Li Xiangkui actually moved with her?
"What do you do, that gentleman?" She really can’t stand this kind of eyes glared at Li Xiangkun directly and asked.
Li Xiangkun ignored her tone and took the clothes instead. She measured herself and shook her head from time to time.
"Do beautiful women have the kind of clothes that are suitable for people whose breasts are bigger than yours and whose hips are thinner than yours?" He frowned and asked seriously, secretly vowing never to buy clothes for women again. It was really too much trouble.
The receptionist thought that suddenly she clapped her hands and looked at Li Xiangkang with a clear expression. "I remember!" Is your wife that particularly beautiful woman? "